Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Your Amazing

ok here we are. this is a blog where im going to look into the music and see whats it mean. i was talken to amber about how all songs have meanings. you can use them in everyday life like i do when i talk to friends. some can be good some can be bad and its the same song. it all depends on how your feeling.
lets say friend A is haven guy problems cuz they are all assholes . i would tell her "hey A it will be ok cuz you know what "your amazing just the way you arrreee... and when i see yo face....." so on and so on you know... i could also use this when shes haven a good day like she just wont 100 bucks off a loto ticket.
so im gonna try and use one song every day. just flip through my ipod and see what comes up and give you wants you can use that song as a compliment.... or an insult... or just as a "i wana dance!!!" type thing hehe. so until next time kids... remember.... "girl your amazing!"


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